I remember comments of this type directed at me when I first MOVED BACK to Kansas by Sportsfan02. I will admit, he has been an antagonist for me since 2002. BTW I have lived here over 15 years, tried to contribute to this sport, and this state, yet this person seems to feel as if they can continue to make judgments as to who deserves to live here, and who don’t.. I simply don't understand him, nor do I understand why an anonymous poster is allowed to continue to make these comments and personal attacks. Will knows, he and I don’t always agree, (most of the time but not all of the time) that said, we have learned to practice this thing called adult behavior. I have no doubt that Will is passionate about our sport and desires to make it better. Will and I, and I believe others as indicated by comments here have done things like talking out disagreements, disagreeing and moving on that type of thing without ever making comments like this. Yet, Sportsfan02 is allowed to continue violate forum rules and guidelines which he has indicated he approved of. The bottom line is no negative posts about another individual are supposed to be made unless using your real name, yet, exceptions are made for Sportsfan02, why?

I also challenge that Sportsfan02 seems to disagree with this concept which supersedes Kansas Citizenship that is American Citizenship and the right to free speech. When you tell someone who states something you don’t like to “MOVE” as you have Will and me over the past, then you take upon yourself the rights of totalitarian. While getting my degree and being involved in my graduate studies I studied quite a bit this thing called logic. Using logic, views as expressed by Sportsfan02 to move, get out of Kansas and the like would have resulted in things like continuation of slavery, continuation of segregation, refusal of women’s suffrage and so much more because their view indicated that they know it all, and that people never have the right to protest or bring about change. Heck using this logic, if practiced we would still be under the Union Jack instead of the Stars and Stripes. I challenge, this is a dangerous view and un American.

Over the years, through various individuals I have come to be fairly certain that Sportsfan02 is in reality Greg Boucher of Augusta. I have referred to him as Greg in posts before, which he never corrected me and responded to those posts. One may also notice that often times, after he is called out by name he removes himself from posts for a period of time.

I as well call out for Sportsfan02 to come forward and admit who he is. Frankly you discredit the sport of wrestling, your club, and our state. If anyone needs to shut up, it is you, you may think you are fooling people as to your identity, but you are not, why not just admit it? I suspect you have your reasons, but as far as I am concerned, they are all cowardly. I know you have your buddies who you have thought you could trust your identity with, but guess what, you were wrong on some of those as well.