Most at the seeding know who is and who isn't a state placer so would have to imagine it came up. Some confusion was State Placer was for 2009 state not career. Regardless the records themselves are just by honor system which not everone is on the same page. When I send ours in I simply ask the parents what they are and i have no way to tell if thier being honest. When i do my sons I count all wrestling Every state, every age, every weight etc. Some only count KS and no out of state cause it makes the record look good. I don't know

My question is what do it matter at this stage of the game? 1,2,3,4 seed who gets which as long as the four are seperate. One thing I kept hearing was a debate for 1or2 no head to head well billy gets 1 joey gets 2 its basically a coin flip. My question is whats the real diffence between 1 and 2 as long as thier seperated but some really didn't like thier kid was No.2

Jon Trowbridge
Ive never had the fear of getting beat thats how most people lose.