I also saw this happen 3 times at the district tournament in Goodland. 1 kid did go on to lose the match in overtime, so things did work out properly. One kid did this 2 times in 2 different matches. The first time he was on the bottom on his belly crying with 15 seconds left in the third period. The ref stopped the match and this kid came back and scored a reverse and 3 nearfall to win the match by 2 points. The second time he was on his back in no ohysical danger other than ready to lose by 3 points or get pinned. He came back and reversed the kid and pinned him. If the ref (same ref in both matches) had not stopped these 2 matches, this kid would not have qualified for state. As it turned out he not only qualified, but he also placed 4th at state!!! He definitely used this rule to his advantage.

John Ostrom