btw i put the whole 2 4a classes thing on there to make people realize what happens when they think things are great the way they are. when you sit back and get complacent, someone who is not will come and catch you by suprise. this should be a wake up call to those you are sitting back and thinking everything should be just the way it used to be. it's not and never will again, realize someone out there is working harder than you, and will sneak up and upset you. it doesn't always have to be for the good, some people think alot different than we do. they came up with this silly proposal while we were all thinking man things are just great. i don't care if it's in just one sport or all sports, it's crazier than any series, big/ expensive tournament, or even cutting clubs like ha president beeson said. so those of you who want to sit back and do nothing different, will have nothing to complain about when things go south. when more and more tournaments cancel because we did nothing, someone will do something you don't like, but it will be too late.

keep coming up with ideas, keep playing devils advocate, keep brainstorming, keep evolving, keep learning. it's the nature of the beast.

"with attitude, will, and some spirit"