More than one series tournament per week? You just took any validity away from a series. So already we are seeing greed come into the picture. This will not be a five or six club series. Anybody that wants to be part of the series can. All you have to do is make sure you pay your dues.

Extra points for weighted brackets and OW? Who decides which brackets are tough? How will the OW be decided? Most are decided by fastest pin, which doesn't teach wrestling. It teaches Headlocks, Snakes, Twister's and all the other muscle moves that retard a wrestlers growth.

Single brackets? That just shot most of District 1 out of the water as they are huge fans of multiple RR brackets for more mat time.

What are you going to do about size of tournaments? I don't know if Maize and Derby are even interested, but they have been brought up. They are near capacity right now. I would think there could not be a limit on wrestlers to a series event. We need to make sure everyone has a chance at the points. So what happens when a "series tournament" can't handle anymore entries?

If a series is started, there will be an entry fee increase within 3 years. The "awards" will get bigger and bigger and they will have to pay for them somehow. Your entry fees will go up.

Unnecessary Roughness is Necessary