First off I said these were ideas...
And not to freak out

Originally Posted By: Beeson
More than one series tournament per week? You just took any validity away from a series. So already we are seeing greed come into the picture. This will not be a five or six club series. Anybody that wants to be part of the series can. All you have to do is make sure you pay your dues.

Second: Yes more than one per week. Cause some clubs will never change their weekend. Park City and Western Ks will always be on the same weekend. I wish it wasn’t so but...

Where do you see greed here? You have used that term over and over and I don’t see it. Just like your Monopoly term! It’s not like someone or a club will be taking money as an admin fee. It’s just a way to help create stronger tournaments and make people get out of their sand box and wrestle better competition INSIDE of Kansas. Maybe even draw competition from outside of KS. Wouldn’t it be nice if all the strong OK kids came to us instead us to them?

Originally Posted By: Beeson
If a series is started, there will be an entry fee increase within 3 years. The "awards" will get bigger and bigger and they will have to pay for them somehow. Your entry fees will go up.

This is like saying the sun is going to set! You are going to see entry fees start to climb over the next 3 years anyway. That has nothing to do with wrestling it our economy!

So are you saying you are against OW awards?

Originally Posted By: Beeson
Single brackets? That just shot most of District 1 out of the water as they are huge fans of multiple RR brackets for more mat time.

1st We don’t need MOST of district 1s tournaments to make this work but we do need a few. I encourage mat time and RR as much as the next guy but in cases like these, one bracket is the way to go!

You know I’ve heard a lot of people get on here and criticize other people for not stepping up and TRYING to make a difference. Maybe thats why not very many people do. But we agree that change is needed. Isnt that why you got involved as a D2 rep?
So Ive heard all the reasons why this idea supposedly isnt going to work. What are all of you going to do next year to try to leave our sport better then you found it or are you just going to sit back and think you are doing your part by finding fault in everyone elses ideas?
Thats not promoting change or breathing life it to our sport!
Thats just dying slower!

Lance Tracy