I for one do not think that our folkstyle season needs to be moved or shortened. I thimk that fs/gr should go longer than it does. This is my kids first year in it and he loves it.
If we are talking about letting kid be kids than why aer we not thinking about the kids that only wrestle and love it. We want to gripe and complain about length of season and my kids burning out, shorten the season move freestyle. It is all crap. If your kid wants to play baseball more than freestyle so be it, maybe he just doesn't love it as much as dad, but to talk about changing the entire setup to please those few that enjoy other sports more is crap.
My son is a wrestler by choice and in freestyle by choice, he starts in october by choice and wrestles almost every weekend by choice. I love the sport but I love HIM MORE. I do not push him into anything, it is his decision. Stop trying to take away and shorten what so many kids choose to do for the few that "burn out' just my opinion Mike Pirl