Hey Folks
Sorry I took a little break from the thread. As I stated I would be willing to raise the white flag if you could address what your plans were on some of the issues.
Here is what I heard...

One Not really a problem in D2 and if the good kids want to come to us we will let them sooo.
Two Hey good idea. I will make a phone call. You should too.
Three Not my problem. I have heard about this for a few years and people talked to me about it this year and I agree that if it effects YOU then maybe YOU should do something.
Four Chirp Chirp Chirp that's the crickets I'm hearing.

All four of these are valid issues inside if D2 and all of KS. If you disagree then say so.
You were elected to Rep D2 and the state on issues weather they directly effect YOU or not.
I hope someone steps up and does something.
If it isn't a series that will resolve this then fine. But if you are going to shoot down my idea then I would hope you have one of your own.
I'm going to continue to move fwd with this series idea. Maybe it will happen or maybe not but at least I can try to do something.