i think the biggest problem i have seen is this.

people who are against the series have these things to offer as reasons why:
just another award
kill the small tourneys
fs/gr is a better way to build

people for have offered these solutions:
no award/points/ small/nop medal
plan / communicate/ save the small guy
build competition
can't solve $$$ issue

people who are for fs/gr:
it's proven- do it
it will build ks wrestling
can't do anything about $$$

people with problems about fs/gr:
lack of opportunity (practices/coaches)
overlaps into other seasons
is it proven?
the rewards are for those with time and $$$

fs/gr supporters solutions:

we can't change the $$$. but how do we grow fs/gr acrossed the state? how do we grow competition?

BLT and others have tried to address every concern with a solution. yet i haven't seen many solutions to the problems with fs/gr other than just deal with it. then when i or blt say have a series, just deal with it. trowbridge calls me a coward, sportsfan calls the idea hair brained. wow.

come on, grow up. we are all passionate about this sports, tha't obvious. we all know that people work for this year 'round, and appreciate the job they do (even if the negativity comes out more). we have to focus on the issues and concerns and search for ways to improve.

personally i think fs/gr is great for wresters, to make them better. but question it's availability, to ALL OF KS KIDS. the time and money to travel is tough to find. the way it stands needs improvement, to show it's POTENTIAL to grow ks wrestling.

i think the series would be great, to grow competition amongst ks kids. but question the availability, to ALL OF KS KIDS. the time and money to travel is tough to find. the way it stands needs improvement, to show it's POTENTIAL to grow ks wrestling.

i see both sides, they are almost identical. now let's take the next step and move forward.

"with attitude, will, and some spirit"