From 2005 to 2010

Percent growth by age groups. Thanks to USA Wrestling for providing the data I requested earlier.

Below is a summary.

10 & Under in Kansas is growing faster than the national group as a whole. Between 2005-2010 Kansas grew at 27 % and the nation grew at 19.15%.

From 2005-2010 in the ages 11-14 Kansas grew at 11.83% and the nation grew at 10.22%.

In the ages between 15-18 Kansas grew at 6.04% and the nation grew at 9.96%.

Overall numbers - USA Wrestling Kansas grew at 18.09% and USA Wrestling grew at 13.09%.

2005 to 2010

10 & Under

Kansas - 27%
USA - 19.15%


Kansas - 11.83%
USA - 10.22%


Kansas - 6.04%
USA - 9.96%%

Kansas - 18.09%
USA - 13.09%