so have these kids wrestled in any Oklahoma tourneys at all or just strictly Kansas? Do they wrestle in Colorado or any other states? did the kids that came from out of state at Maize have to purchase cards? What about the kids that go to salina from out of state? did they have to purchase cards? what about the kids going to park city from out of state? are they going to have to purchase cards as well? just a few questions to be considered.These kids are affiliated with the club in KS. there are a couple of loop holes here either way. Whether these kids get to wrestle at state this year or not, you have a situation that could be part of next years state body meeting. But a proposal has to be sent to Ned Price(it think thats where you send it) by July 31st via certified mail). Then at the state board they will vote for it. I do not think we as Kansans are going to allow every kid that buys a card from out of state to wrestle in a tourney like maize or salina to compete at the state series. But this is a different situation i think with these 8 kids. this is just my view of the situation. would like to say let em wrestle on 1 hand but not on the other. i say that because the state body is saying if we let you, we have to let them too and that is not going to happen. but if we as a state said as a state we will allow certain kids who wrestle in with a Ks club, there is the proposal. then we keep these 8 kids being kids in Ks wrestling and still have the power to say no to kids who only purchase cards for our main tourneys like maize and salina