Shane, you are off topic but I will address your concerns.

See Rick's responses to questions regarding his efforts to improve. NO is pretty much the only word in his vocab. He lost $40,000 plus on a HS state wrestling tournament. The only way that happens is if you don't thoroughly do your job, ie you are lazy or maybe you just suck. I thought he would rather be called lazy than told he sucks.

Where are you in life? How far have your methods carried you? I have only seen you on the mat so the only thing I know is that you haven't skipped many meals. Maybe you have been eating the honey that you were going to use to catch flies with. Who wants to catch flies anyway? I like where I am and I will continue to pick when to use honey, vinegar or whatever I need to. I am certainly not setting out to please you.

Rick may have demonstrated a lack of laziness in your mind by responding to me but I would actually call it stupid. I have had many, many exchanges with him over the past five years. All very similiar to this. He never directly answers a question so you are always left wondering what to do to stay compliant. If I were in his job I would be so busy improving things and actually doing my job that I wouldn't have time to exchange worthless emails with a crazy dad. Heck, I do it just to have fun and entertain myself. I know that my efforts with him are wasted. You need to read the inserted answers again. NO he has never tried to assemble a proposal to get all of the state tournaments in one building yet he brags about how great the state track meet is?!?

I know you are one of the good ole boys and congratulations to winning the popularity contest called getting a state assignment. Don't let it go to your head, it does NOT mean that you are one of the best officials. It only means that you promote yourself and perhaps do "other things" to get your name written down on a recommendation list.

Finally, read your handy Officials directory and you will find my name in it already. I have been registered for several years. I have NEVER put in for a regional as I have a family of wrestlers that are a higher priority. By the time they are done I will be willing to admit that my reaction time is not adequate and that it would not be fair to the wrestlers for a 60 year old guy to be stumbling around trying to figure out how to fairly score the match. Advice that I will give to you and that you should share with some others like Brad, Carl, Art, Johnny, etc.

Hope all your calls are fair and just with no bias this weekend. May the force be with you!

Back to the topic!! All in favor of a single site, three day state tournament vote YES!!!

Will Cokeley