Originally Posted By: lylegeyer
I agree ridiculous! Take their money, give them cards, and then kick them out!! Kansas is two timing them. Good luck Hugoton wrestlers and parents on this most ridiculous matter. They could of just not accepted their usa-kansas dues, and that would of been it, but that's not what the board did.

I believe it's been said before but I believe getting a USAW competitor card does not grant you rights to compete in the state series. Yes, it's a requirement to have a card to compete in the state series (or any USAW sanctioned event), but that card could have been purchased in other states, Missouri for example.

The requirement for the USAWKS series as I read it is:

a) Be a KS resident or,
b) Be a student in KS or
c) Special exception by the executive council

One of the above PLUS a having a valid USAW competitor card (not necessarily bought in KS) is what is needed.

How is KS two-timing? What "USA-KS dues" did these people pay? Did they start the club and paid the sanctioning dues? If so, then I could see the two-timing.

I understand the circumstances but it seems they are just like any other OK kid that comes to KS to compete in tournaments but are not allowed into the state series.

If it were me, I admit I'd want my kids to wrestle but to me it seems the rules are clear. If there was assumption that they would be allowed to wrestle, I'd say that's big assumption and one that creates this situation. No doubt it's an unfortunate situation and I wish everyone involved the best, regardless of the outcome.

Joe Knecht
(913) 709-9875