SHAME SHAME SHAME!!!!! First of all, Wishing bad karma on all the people that supported the RULES is bad karma. I would look both ways when crossing the steet if I were you. "NO ONE SHOULD TREAT KIDS THIS WAY" If you are so concerned about kids then why would you wish them bad karma? 99% of the kids that go to state want to win or loose to a Kansas kid not a Oklahoma kid. I think you should apologize to all the Kansas kids and the people that supported the boards decision and take back the kara remark.
I just want to make it clear that my son and I only suported the rules and the decision of the board. Like I have said before, RULES ARE RULES and we need to respect them and not try to weasel our way around them.
Good luck to all the Hugoton KANSAS boys and all the other KANSAS kids that make it to the KANSAS STATE tournament. Good Karma to ALL.

Mark Butcher