While I agree with every answer given on this topic, I think it would be remiss to ignore another real reason. It's not politically correct, but a lot of kids see the spring as a time to party and chase after girls. If you want to say that only the kids who don't care about getting better do this, we could start a list of the biggest partying wrestlers we know. It would be full of a LOT of champions that spent more time partying than in par terre during the summers.

I'm glad my coaches not only expected me to wrestle in the summer, they also put in hours helping with freestyle/greco. They put together trips for our FS club and "put their money where their mouth was." As a coach, I was in a different family situation (3 young daughters), so I did not put in the time I wish I could have, and we didn't have many summer wrestlers.

It also seems like there are fewer opportunities to compete in the summer locally, too. We used to have several FS/GR tournaments in Wichita, Ark City, Hutch, etc. Now, much like other sports, it's all about the tournament in the biggest place with the biggest trophies. I used to drive an hour or less, wrestle 4-5 matches (often bumped up a weight to fill a bracket), and be home in time for supper. The tournaments weren't full of super stars, but we had fun and got a little better.

Just my two cents.

"The days I can keep my gratitude higher than my expectations...those are good days" ~ Judy Hubbard