You can run this in all the directions you want Cheif, but you have no good explaination for the score of the big vs small , other then little vs little didn't count, when in fact, the bigs didn't step up and compete, but you sure didn't put it that way. If you want credibilty then be honest and fair, and state it like it is.

As far as the 130 lbs match I can accept that answer, just not on the entire dual when you have bigs winning, but not counting four matches the littles won, due to lack of competitors from the bigs. Its not the little schools fault, the bigs didn't have anyone step up. State Champions or not!! As advertised it was suppose to be a Sr. Dual big vs little. Count 24 points for the 4 weight classes they missed, and maybe they will up their game next year and find someone. Instead you cater to them, and change the rules.
Lyle Geyer