My quote: I agree, some kids may miss out because of money. Hopefully they don't miss out because dad isnt' willing to give up his case of beer per night habit, or mom's addiction to shoes...........Or just "having to have" that new car, rather than driving the old beater for a few more years.....

Now where in this statement did I say "if your kid misses out, it is because you are an alcoholic, and your wife has a shoe fetish."

I said hopefully that is NOT the reason they miss out. But there are cases where it is, and I've pulled money out of my pocket to make sure some of those kids did NOT miss out. As bad as things are now, I won't be doing that anytime soon.

Actually, I said that some kids WILL miss out because of money.

If you still think we need to talk about it, look me up. Don't talk tough to me for something I didn't say.

Last edited by doug747; 04/19/11 01:17 AM.