Will, you know i dont post on here very often but when i do i have facts to back my posts. I am shocked that you singled out cash because i have never said anything to down grade you or your kids ever. i have backed you many times when people have bashed you for speeking your voice. Im sorry to burst your bubble but justin wont be at state this year he is letting his knee heal up so he can play football in college next year.I wished he was so people like you wouldnt be able to dwell on the past. Will, anyone can say if so and so was there this wouldnt of happened. He was not and it didnt happen. You of all people are big on the facts, i can't believe you stooped that low to bash cash unbelievable. We as parents and coaches should be looking to the future of these kids not back in the past.

Very Shocked
Butch Drylie

Last edited by Butch Drylie; 01/30/12 04:23 AM.

Butch Drylie