Originally Posted By: Go Twisters
I don't understand the reason for this post. It appears that you have a beef with the officials of wrestling why don't you get some tournaments your self and see how hard it is to do.

I am not sure where the beef comes in as far as this post is concerned. It is on themat.com and I didn't post it there. It is being watched nationwide. I didn't have a thing to do with making it. I thought it was funny and that even the official would enjoy it as I know he likes honey.

I have done my share of officiating (at least 50 tournaments and some of them for free to help clubs out.) I think it is the easiest sport there is to officiate. Only two competitors, small rule book, easy to understand rules, same playing field no matter where you go, usually not a ton of scoring...

I think the beef must be something personal...you tell us.

Will Cokeley