Hawk is exactly right. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the software to run the tournament and we have owned and used the software for many years. For less than the cost of track wrestling for one tournament we run all the tournaments we want with the benefit of online entry, etc.

PES offered their website as a place to upload results and we, along with most other schools said great. If PES or any of the schools had any idea what would happen yesterday, I'm sure different decisions would have been made.

Many people get unhappy when they can't get online results as they happen. We run 2 tournaments every year and occasionally a regional like yesterday. Sorry wrestling fans on the web...our LAST consideration while a tournament is going on is to make sure people who don't attend our tournament get results. It's nice if we can do it but honestly it has nothing to do with running a good tournament.

The Wrestling Tourney works and it's much cheaper than Track. Taxpayers: your welcome