Nice post. Me and my wife had a similar discussion 2 weeks ago. My son was not 100% due to flu and my wife wanted to scratch him from the tournament, or even better, she wanted ME to scratch him. My son wanted to wrestle. I told her I would not. I explained that now days, I wake up every day with something hurting. Maybe it a knee, ankle, back, or something new. And everyday I get up and take on the day. My son is close to being a man and right now he probably doesn't understand getting old, but he can understand getting up and carrying on because a day will come when he will never be 100% ever again. My son finished the tournament and took 2nd. Not where he wanted to finish but all in all it wasn't the flu that cost him the match. The other kid was better than he was on that given day. None the less, I was proud as hell. Life lessons.

Larry Woltje