I was looking for some advice on how some of the parents out there would handle the situation that my son tayton and I are facing. First and foremost I have no problem with girls wrestling a matter a fact I have seen some girls that are very very good. I want to make thata clear.
Tayton told me many years ago that if he ever had to wrestle a girl that he would not do it, since taht time I havn't had to worry about that b/c he has never been put in that situation until now. At subs there are only 2 kids in 82 pound weight class tayton and a girl. His exact words were " I will not wrestle a girl no matter if it is at subs or for a state title the bible says to treat woman with respect" I believe that he will not wrestle her at subs and I am not sure how to handle this. Tayton has 2 losses on the year and has as good of a chance as anybody to do very well at Topeka. I respect his decision and it says alot for a 11 yr old boy to think that way. WHAT WOULD YOU DO