You don't have to wrestle your opponent. You can forfeit. It's a personal choice. This came up last year, I think an Iowa kid had a big match that he forfeited because of his religious beliefs. There is a school in Kansas that won't let their kids wrestle girls. If your religion insists that men and women don't touch each other, then do what your religion commands.

And beyond religion, there's the physical contact issue and I understand that. If a boy is personally uncomfortable with touching a female as required by the nature of sport, don't do it. We avoid uncomfortable situations in life all the time.

I would ask your son to consider his decision from the girl's perspective if he has that leeway. She obviously doesn't think its disrespectful so is it? If some people are offended by a certain action, but I'm not, your action in my presence is not offensive to me. So wrestling a girl, who is out for wrestling, is not disrespectful to her, as a general proposition. In fact, some have argued that wrestling her is actually a sign of respect. If the Bible says "respect" women, how does avoiding a female wrestler show her respect? Hasn't she worked hard to be there just like you? Haven't her parents and friends shown up to cheer her on? Hasn't her coach spent his time getting her ready? So when she steps out of the mat to wrestle, she's told that she doesn't get to wrestle because he opponent has "too much respect for women?" Don't be surprised if she doesn't see it that way....