Originally Posted By: weeter5
Thank you for all your thoughts. I sat down with Tayton and let him no that no matter what he chooses to do that it would not make him a coward nor will it make him less of a young man. At the end of the day it is his decision and I WILL NOT FORCE HIM TO STEP ON THE MAT!! if he wrestles her I will be proud of him if he walks over to the table and scratches I will be proud of him. Thanks again

We have had the pleasure of meeting tayton on the mat...Top notch kid for sure. And now reading this and wondering to myself am I teaching my boys right?? Who knows. But i would respect their wishes in any life affecting matter..

we respect you tayton regardless of the decision you make. It takes a man to make a choice like he is. And you will be rewarded for it as well.

Cya in goodland.