Originally Posted By: tbau

This subject should of never even been an issue on this board. One thing thats great about this country is that we have personal freedoms. We are able to choose to participate in activities we enjoy doing. I think its this kids right as an american citizen to decide to wrestle or not.
However I also think this should of been handled entirely different. All this post did was open up an 11 year old kid to scrutiny during the most important time of the season. It sounds like this young man has very strong convictions, He must have learned them from his parents. If this family really believs this then why do they need public validation on this forum?
This should of been handled at home with this boys coach. All they had to do was default the match, no reason needed to be given, and public approval doesn't matter at all. This should of been handled quietly, no one would know why he defaulted, no ones feelings would of been hurt and it would of been a non issue.

Those are my two cents on the subject.

Tom Baughman

Hi Tom,

"Should, should, should, should..."

Four times in your brief 'two cents' worth. Do all those 'shoulds' tell you something? They do me... but I am not going to connect the dots for anyone unless they ask me via PM.

That being said, I think what you wrote below ROCKED! :

"All they had to do was default the match, no reason needed to be given, and public approval doesn't matter at all".

Yet, I sincerely believe the father had good motives in starting the post. I don't think he was doing it as a publicity stunt or anything... Is that what you think he was doing? If our convictions are not challenged by our own conscience at times, then I think something is wrong.

Seems like he has some dissonance in his mind that he just wanted a little help/advice in getting it all work out.

Is there anything wrong with that? Again, do you think he posted merely because of his ego? That he posted to draw attention to himself? I guess it doesn't matter. But, my two cents worth is that his motives were sincere.

D. Dean Welsh, Junction City
***Dean plays well with others!!! ;-)