Originally Posted By: cujo
Let me start by saying, I do not know Cash, Butch or any of the people directly involved in this apparent oversight.
I wounder reading through all of this...Who wanted to wrestle in the event more? Cash or Butch?
It is over! Obviously it has not been a major effect for your son as i assume he is in the finals of kids state the way you are going on.
I promise you this 1 event will not (at least i hope not) affect the remainder of his life!
Good luck to Cash post High School.
Butch....let it go.

Thank you

Hey Butt-Head what did people do before they invented TV?
Don't be stupid Beavis there's always been TV, there's just more channels now.
Oh yeah, heh heh hehe... progress is cool. Heh hehe heh