There have been some great ideas offered on the forum.

If an official registers with KSHSAA, they are issued a rule book and case book. They are also required to attend a face to face meeting, or, on alternate years attend an online meeting through KSHSAA. A rules test is also part of the registration. This is why one of the requirements of becoming USAWKS certified is being KSHSAA registered. With KSHSAA there will at least be some training or learning opportunities.

Here are some additional ideas or comments that can expand on ideas presented

1. I would like to have the names of 2-3 officials in your area that work a lot of USAWKS tournaments. We can work with them to get them names of new officials that are available in their area.

2. I can schedule calls or speak with these officials to review aspects in their area that they have having issues with or things that we should address.

3. I would like a list of head officials that you are using for your tournaments. I will send them a point of emphasis document to review with their team prior to the tournament.

4. After every tournament, send me a list of officials that worked at your tournament. I will compile a list of the officials that can be tracked. I would like to have contact info also. If I had contact info, and the official is not KSHSAA registered I can send them a reminder about signups.

5. A mentoring program could be effective. As an experienced official, I try to mentor new officials whenever I can. All experienced officials should be doing this. Funding for this needs to be outlined and defined since the host site does not want to pay for extra officials. The mentors would provide onsite feedback to the young officials and we could develop a formal feedback process on a standardized form.

6. I am trying to determine an effective way to identify officials. In the past numbered patches had been issued. The problems we have encountered with this are:
There is not a way to enforce.
Sometimes officials will loan shirts to other officials.
Officials own more that 1 shirt.
The patches should not be worn at KSHSAA or other events.
I will poll officials and see how receptive they are about posting pictures. We would work with the web site to setup a page for this.

The way that I have presented the reimbursement program is as follows:
Only brand new officials are eligible, if an official had not registered for several years, they would not be eligible.
The official must be in good standing with KSHSAA; they must attend the KSHSAA meeting and take the test.
They must register with USAWKS by December 31st of the current year.

Please contact me with any ideas, concerns or issues. Email would be the best option.

Have a great season.

Keith Ashpole