Yes there will be. McPherson has again gotten the honor of hosting these tournaments. We are sorry for the short notice on the first tournament. Kent Bailo who was the founder and director of United States Girls Wrestling Association recently retired and didn't let us know that he wouldn't be running a tournament in Kansas. We finally got in touch with him a few weeks ago. Another gentleman (Brent Harvey) is trying to fill the void Kent left. We got in touch with him and finally got all the contracts and arrangements made. Fortunately he was available February 23rd and is willing to send some of his people our way that day. If you go to his website you can check them out and download the flyer. Entries will be done on trackwrestling. You can still walk in the day of the tournament if you don't get preregistered. We are looking forward to hosting you and hope we have as big if not bigger crowd this year. I am hoping to get an email list for all the ladies and get them a flyer as well. The second one USAWKS girls state tournament will be March 23rd.

Thanks and hope to see you soon!

Last edited by Lance J. Engel; 02/11/14 03:07 PM.

Lance J. Engel