Cokeley.. Do you know what a troll is. It is a person on a forum who "trolls" all comments and then spring butt with negative, offensive, demeaning, abusive, name calling, age slander, etc., replies. I think we have some trolls on this forum. Being that you are one of the top posters on this forum, and the value of many of your replies have little constructive value, have to ask if you live under a bridge (I will let you figure that out).

I belong to two other forums: a college conference BB forum and a college BB team forum. Those two forums have rules against trolling, and moderators who can and will remove abusive comments, and for repeat trolling offenses will cancel your forum posting privileges.

This is a true statement!! I received a PM yesterday from a member of this forum. He stated he wanted to post to the forum but he and his comments were always attacked by what he called cyberbullies. So, he just quit posting. TROLLs and CYBERBULLIES. Yes, we have some of those!

Bill Mason Lansing