You can fix the too many schools issue by closing all high schools without wrestling. They obviously don't care about kids! wink

Seriously, I don't know the fix for state, but it's a great topic of conversation. California has one state tournament. In 2012-2013, they had 27,634 participants from 835 schools. ONE STATE TOURNAMENT. Kansas had 204 schools listed on NFHS data for the same year and had 5156 participants. I'm not completely in favor of one tournament, but if California can figure this out surely we can too.

I think the biggest problem with any proposal is what seems to always occur... we fight with each other until we're so divided that we don't want to compromise on anything. Let's keep the discussion(s) moving forward with open minds. I'd love to see just about any of the new proposals take place.

"The days I can keep my gratitude higher than my expectations...those are good days" ~ Judy Hubbard