Originally Posted By: Beeson
I was talking with a High School Coach last night and we think that Basketball may finally have one up on the wrestlers. In the NCAA Basketball tournament there is no 3rd place, no challenge for 2nd, and no double elimination. The only thing that matters is "The Championship".

All of those players are not winners. All of those players don't get a trophy. They don't care if you were on the tough side of the bracket. Win or GO HOME. A True life lesson.

They used to play for third but the TV ratings STUNK it up so they dropped it in the 80's I believe. NCAA hoops is ALL about $$$$$$. Don't kid yourself.

I totally HATE true 2nd. That is another post. It should only be about the champion and if you are giving out something special give it to the top 3. None of them lost twice.

Will Cokeley