Just so everyone knows we are looking like we got some good quality there still is some time to sign up. Junior/senior 155 ( 2 state champs and a 2-time 3rd place finisher) has some great matchups i am excited to see and Junior/Senior 135 (2-time Kentucky placer, 2-time CO finalist) is gonna be a great one and 116 (placer at battle for the belt CA tournament) we are getting some good kids coming and i know some nebraska teams are coming, heard from some wyoming teams. we did different weights so that you can wrestle both school of mines and ours and still see different kids. i know the weights are a little crazy but i know i want our kids to see some different looks. Singlets are in, got the Medals and have the Custom brackets. its gonna be cool so hope to see some of you guys thanks make sure to register by Friday at noon.
would love to see some kansas kids come on down.