Arkansas City High School - Aaron Bucher, Regional Manager
Andover, Andover-Central, Arkansas City, Goddard, Goddard-Eisenhower, Liberal, Wichita-Bishop Carroll, Wichita-Kapaun Mount Carmel
4 Ranked Teams 40% - 33 Ranked wrestlers 39%

Overland Park-Blue Valley West High School – Cindy Roach, Regional Manager
Kansas City-JC Harmon, Kansas City-Turner, Lenexa-Saint James Academy, Overland Park-Blue Valley Southwest, Overland Park-St. Thomas Aquinas, Overland Park-Blue Valley West, Pittsburg, Shawnee-Mill Valley

2 Ranked teams 20% - 20 Ranked wrestlers 24%

Salina-Central High School – Greg Maring & Shannon Peters, Regional Managers
Emporia, Great Bend, Maize South, Newton, Salina-Central, Salina-South, Valley Center, Wichita-Heights

3 Ranked Teams 30% - 18 Ranked Wrestlers 22%

Tecumseh-Shawnee Heights High School – David Wonnell, Regional Manager
Kansas City-F.L. Schlagle, Kansas City-Washington, Lansing, Leavenworth, Tecumseh-Shawnee Heights, Topeka-Highland Park, Topeka-Seaman, Topeka-West

1 Ranked Teams 10% - 13 Ranked Wrestlers 15%

Given that 2 to 3 ranked teams per regional would be average and 21 wrestlers we have a serious lack of balance in the regionals. I am guessing the Shawnee Heights regional will also lead the classification in OPENS...

Will Cokeley