1.Isaac Luellen - ROS - 12 - 321A - 18-0
2. Jacob Smith - TUR - 12 - 5A - 21-0
3. Gavin Lively - NOR - 12 - 321A - 12-0
4. Alan Clothier - LAW - 12 - 6A - 11-0
5. Nick Nece - KMC - 12 - 5A - 18-1
6. Cale Davidson - GD - 11 - 5A - 19-5
7. Kody Collins - DW - 12 - 321A - 19-3
8. Kyle True - SLC - 12 - 5A - 15-0
9. Jake Harrington - LV - 12 - 5A - 16-2
10. Curtis Rylant - CLW - 12 - 4A - 9-

Jacob Smith gave Isaac Luellen a run for his money. Isaac, the number one senior in KS all weights, remains atop this group but at the very least Lively jumps Clothier as a result of the Newton finals.

Will Cokeley