Originally Posted By: Casey917
The Bobcat has teams coming in from out of state that they probably had to take into consideration and were forced to make this premature decision.

That is laughable! I think those teams might have been here when the decision was made. Basehore was bullied into cancelling.

How about leaving the kids there until the ice was gone?? Common sense is not very common these days. I am appalled at the bullying job coming out of the palace in Stillwell, KS. Blue Valley canceled, so Olathe canceled, so DeSoto Canceled, so Shawnee canceled, so Basehore canceled, so the private schools canceled...the proverbial "domino effect." The BV Superintendent is basically a CEO reigning over more than a half billion in capital assets with thousands of employees and nearly 40,000 daily customers. He shut down school yesterday based on a 20% chance of precipitation forecast. If a CEO idled a publicly traded company with these kinds of numbers he would be fired in a heart beat. Who are these idiot administrators that shut down school and activities over a 20% chance of bad weather. The same ones who left school open last Friday when it actually snowed and was 10 to 15 degrees colder!? What the heck??? Maybe, just maybe, all of these overpaid morons who call themselves the leaders of public education are smarter than we thought. After all it is MLK day on Monday so shutting down school on Friday would sure make a nice four day weekend.

Meanwhile in Newton, KS where the forecast was 1.5 times worse from a predictive perspective they didn't cancel a darn thing. Yet Olathe called their team back?? S T U P I D!

I cannot believe we continue to paid these outrageous salaries to these administrators who ad Z E R O value to our education system. They continue to spiral our property taxes upward with crazy expansion plans and unneeded employees and costs with ZERO accountability. (Yea I know the bond issues are voted on but that is another issue where we have more voters who DO NOT directly pay property taxes so they have ZERO concept of what they are voting on except they get NEW STUFF!!) We rarely canceled anything back in the day. It is much colder and there are far worse road conditions in the north but they don't cancel anything. It is just WAY too easy to say "Cancel it!" than to figure out how to make it work. Then they always say "We don't want to get sued!" C'mon. There is a lottery chance of that happening where you cancel or not!

The one that really gets me is schools telling parents they can't take their kids anyway? They need to be put in their place. The schools work for US.

Ok, let it fly...

Will Cokeley