Originally Posted By: BigBlue6
WHY ARE SATELLITE WEIGH INS TOLERABLE AT A STATE CHAMPIONSHIP?! you can't satellite wrestle. Is it "well we've always done it that way"? It invites an erosion of competitive integrity. there were 15 satellite sites for that tournament last year--15! how about 1 in KC, 1 in Topeka, 1 in Wichita and 2 out west where it is handiest? Better yet 0 satellites cause we don't have them for folkstyle state. If you can make it to Hutch to wrestle you can make it to weigh in

I just told you in a PM they keep the freestyle and greco state tournament alive. Please take your beef with the Freestyle and Greco state tournament over the the Freestyle and Greco part of this forum, so that we can get back to discussing why home-site weigh-ins for the FOLKSTYLE HIGH SCHOOL SEASON are bad for our state.