Here is what I get .... that it is a bush league practice to have any portion of your state series at any level for any style use satellite or home site or anything other than shoulder to shoulder weigh ins. Period. To find that our state does this in the face of the exclusion of Kansas having a voice in the NFHS is disappointing to say the least. Furthermore, I am of the mind that the fact that Kansas uses satellite weigh ins for the state freestyle/greco CHAMPIONSHIP is directly related to this regional home site folkstyle issue in the sense that there are apparently a whole lot of folks involved in KS wrestling decision making, on many levels, who simply don't get WHY satellite or home site weigh ins ARE A BUSH LEAGUE PRACTICE, or maybe they do get it and that's why KS has them? You can't go around tooting the horn of KS wrestling and how we deserve to be mentioned in the same breath with states like Oklahoma, Iowa or Pennsylvania when comparisons with any of the above becomes an apples to oranges proposition because Kansas does any number of things bass ackwards from the comparison state.

The opinions herein are Mr Bluel's alone and are not that of OSHS, Falcon Empire or any other entity