Sally Roberts is 'Bold for Change'

Founder of Wrestle Like a Girl, Sally Roberts poses in Olympic Rings at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo.

When Sally Roberts was in Jr. High School, she was on the verge of disaster; she was breaking into houses, stealing and shoplifting. Sally had been arrested so many times that if she didn’t find an after-school activity, she was going to go to jail.
She tried every traditional sport and was cut from the teams because she was told she was not athletic. She searched the lists of available sports and found wrestling. It was a sport that she couldn’t be cut from, so she knew that as long as she didn’t quit she wouldn’t go to jail. That one decision changed her life.
Sally is the youngest of her family and the first to graduate high school. After high school, she joined the U.S. Army, where she wrestled on the World Class Athlete Program and obtained the rank of Sergeant. She received her undergraduate in psychology from the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, her Master’s Degree in Sport Performance Psychology and became a 2x World Bronze medalist.
Sally is the Founder and Executive Director of Wrestle Like a Girl. As stated on, Wrestle Like A Girl promotes that girls and women across the United States should be afforded opportunities to participate in wrestling. The WLAG organization works to promote female wrestling and cultivate the whole athlete in developmental process.
Sally is proof that wrestling is a way for kids of any athletic background and socioeconomic class can find their own tenacity, skill and grit to be bold for change and find success.
Click here to see Sally’s video.