Fellow Kansan looking for assistant coach.

As a native Kansan, even though I stopped coaching at Lawrence Free State in 2002 to move to Texas, wanted to check back in with my roots.

Currently I am the head wrestling coach at Heritage High School in Frisco, TX (DFW area.) We have an opening for a varsity assistant coach. In Texas we have athletic periods as classes, which means we have wrestling as a class every day, year round. Frisco ISD uses block scheduling so each day we teach two academic classes and have an athletic period.

Our school has been open for 8 years. We compete in one of the most competitive District in the state, on average over the past four years eight State finalist annually are from our District. We have consistently placed in the top tier of our District with Regional placers and State qualifiers on a regular basis. Over the past four years we have had four state finalist and a State Champion.

Looking for someone ready to help maintain the standard set and drive the program to a new standard. Starting salary in Frisco ISD for the 16-17 school year for a teacher with 0 years experience is 50K, adjusted based on years of teaching experience, plus a stipend for coaching.

Individual would teach and be full-time wrestling assistant, no second sport. Core teaching fields only.

If interested email Kyle Stevens at stevenky(at)friscoisd.org

Enjoy your day,


Kyle Stevens
Head Wrestling
Frisco Heritage Wrestling