First off, I would like to say thank you to Derek and the Maize Wrestling Club for bringing such a great opportunity to our wrestlers. Some of you complaining clearly did not attend it when it was in the school gymnasium, where there were times we did not leave until close to midnight, in crowded gymnasiums. Did we complain no, because we knew what we signed up for. In case you forgot, it is America that we live in, and you have a choice to sign up or not sign up for particular tournaments.

What really is ridiculous to me is, you have people actually on here complaining at the fact of starting late, how about being grateful they are giving you a heads up so you can plan accordingly and not show up so early. And before you start crying over that fact stating," well when you are a coach you have to be there for both the morning and afternoon session," so have we for 10plus years now, and we look forward to this tournament every year. Yes I will be the first to say it is a long day, and by the end I am ready to get out of there hours ago, but do I whine about it, no, it is what we signed up for and will continue to for the years to come. Just think of how long of a day it is for the Maize Wrestling Club...... They are there late Friday night, early Saturday morning and again late Saturday night. So instead of being crybabies about it, maybe thank them for bringing such a competitive tournament to our state and all the hard work they put into it. OR SIMPLY DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNAMENT AND KEEP YOUR COMMENTS TO YOURSELF.

I will say it again, Thank You Maize for your dedication to not only your wrestlers but to the sport of wrestling in general. We know a lot of you on personal level and know the blood sweat and tears you put into kids even outside of your team and expect nothing in return. You are the TRUE organization in it for the right reasons.

Cristin Dietrich

Last edited by ddietrich; 02/01/19 02:50 PM.