It has also been brought up in discussion that many tournaments are not marking their boundaries correctly, and there are insufficient space, as well as not hiring at least 50% registered officials. Also. The tables are too close to the wrestling surface. I have noticed this at a few tournaments as well. This too is a safet issue that needs to be addressed, if you don't want to do things by rule don't host.

From the Facebook discussion, we are in agreement, parents need to stay in the stands, film from above. Of course this only works. If everyone follows the rules. Only two coaches in the corner and only wrestlers warming up can be near the mats.

At districts these rules should strictly be enforced. I would also encourage all tournament directors hosting from now until then to do the same. Get people used to it before it comes to crunch time. Make it known in advance those are your expectations and then follow through if people are unwilling to follow. If they can't follow the rules and expectations they can leave or be escorted out.

The real test is will you enforce and follow the rules or will you be the exception? For the safety and enjoyment of the wrestlers, coaches, parents, fans, and officials let's be better.

"If it is to be, it is up to me!"