Had to keep this at the top of the page. Good job this weekend Steves. It was truly an Iron Man's battle. Congrats to Party Boy Steve and Resurection Steve on their 1st place, and congrats to Poofy too. I can't believe his twin showed up at the tournament. But what are ya gonna do? Hamburgler Steve good job accomplishing such a great feat. Superior hit it right. There's now a monster lurking at 103. (I can feel the 03 pounders in state shaking as i type this). Psycho good luck making it to 165 you will be "dominant" there i'm sure. Also "Steves in training", there is a Steve night set up for Thursday's now, and this Friday there will be a meeting at the land of the orange shorts. I think it is time to start at least 1 of the initiations. What does the high counsel think about this? Let me know.