Yes Psycho, good usage of "dominant". We Steves do try to be dominant, but sometimes people just don't like. The NNFC is doing OK, we played this weekend at LSN. Some guy from Camron didn't like the dominance Turner brings to Naked Frisbee, so he tried to fight Poofy. Too bad the guy was about 160lbs. and lookin for a death wish! Well we have a dual tomorrow, so Steves will try to rise up to the occasion. We will once again Dominate on Friday at the Land of the Orange Shorts. Hope you can get her Psycho. It will be later in the evening, i think we're going to watch a little of JOCO classic. (Not so dominant). And the Steves night is Thursday at Angry Steves house. It will be Poker and Movies this time. Of course I, Broke A** will be dominant at the table. All Steves need to be there if possible. Superior is there a good time to hold the R.A.O.S. meeting on Friday? So we can get our schedule set?