I think you can read about Stephen in The book of Acts, The Apostle Paul started out kinda on the wrong track, his name was originally Saul, he was a henchman of the pre- crucifixion jewish faith, they saw the early followers of Christ as a general bunch of outlaws and Saul was one of the leaders of the group that decided to do away with as many of them as possible. One of their leaders was STEPHAN, who stood up for his beliefs in a trial and was stoned for his trouble. The early Christian movement was a lot like Eastern Kansas Wrestling-- the establishment sold them short and beat on 'em as they were developing, but once some of the early leaders got them started, they became very powerful. Probably a lesson in there that could be further developed, but hey, I am a recovering Western apostle and would not do the comparison the justice it deserves. a couple more steves that come to my ancient recollection are Stephan Crane, an early American author, wrote the civil war classic "the red badge of courage" (not recommended-- they will never make a movie of that one) And Stephen Foster, a popular songwriter in the late nineteenth century. These would be minor steves but notable