fris ...... most of us will eat ..... and wrestle ..... and then eat some more ...... and then train for wrestling .......... and then eat some more .......and then travel somewhere to do some more wrestling ....... and practice for the world championship of naked frisbee ..... and then eat some more ...... then host the world championship of naked frisbee ..... then eat some more ...... and then some will play football and others will play rugby ...... then eat some more ...... try to watch summer sunrises while eating Dominant Toasties (new and improved brand fortified with something nutritious due out next year) ...... watch the sunset with a babe worthy of our attentioin ..... then eat some more ....... a few rounds of golf and a few concerts to break things up ..... then back to wrestling and pretty soon after that ...... not eating again ...... some will work on their hobbies (like auto-mechanics and eating) ...... Angry Steve will put many to work remodeling his house and landscaping his yard ...... a couple of us will take several trips to Hat Town for golf, football clinics, rugby and Auntie Maes to see Jeff and Bro ........ a daily check of the forum except when we're off on safari ...... we'll welcome home Haji Steve from Iraq with a big party and welcome back our alums who are on vacation from college ....... we'll have to give some serious thought to Steve names for the upcoming group of newbies ...... basically try to look at the sky more than our feet for a while ...... and eat ...... and wrestle ..... and play frisbee ...... actually some pretty simple stuff ..... have any suggestions to liven up the off-season?

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl harbor?"