superiorsteve--what a pleasure to finally meet you. Your passion and committment to the effort is evident. It truly takes a village, but you are one heckuva a Mayor! My visits to Steveville are always most rewarding, the spirit and caring of one another is unequalled. You are always made to feel better than before you came.

PAPA--You are still the MAN! But now I have met the true motivator in the family...Mrs. BMOCPAPA. You are an extremely blessed man.

Psycho--You are an exceptionally gifted young MAN. It was a pure pleasure to sit and visit with you. The world holds no boundaries for your journey and the many gifts you have to offer it.

Party Boy and Poofy--In a word, DOMINANT!

To all in Steveville--Your doors have always been open to friend and foe, your hospitality is unending, your passion is evident and your friendship is geniune. A trip to Steveville should be required for won't regret it. Good Game!!

You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.