Good job to all who helped with yesterday's banquet! It was truly fun and hopefully set a precedent for our team ....... also, many thanks from the coaches for the embroidered pillows! .... I thank the Captain for making the sacrifice of his own hair to replace that which I have lost ...... it was sure great to see Haji Steve back from the war and looking fit! ...... he says PT in the Marines isn't nearly as tough as RBC day in the room ....... Haji, hope to see you a couple more times before you have to return ..... thanks to Big Steve O for guiding our ship and Angry Steve for keeping the boat rockin' enough to keep us sharp and never complacent ...... and thanks to our parents for the trust and support! ...... sure was a long list of honors for the boys from Steveville ..... and to the seniors, we'll all miss ya' ...... Good Game Steves!

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl harbor?"