chewbacca asks a good question ....... other than the steves playing baseball and wrestling, what are the rest of you guys doing? ......... don't mind if your chasing girls as long as they are going on a five mile run every morning and you're following ............ on foot ................ better yet, I want each of you to submit your spring training schedule by Sunday ......... otherwise, we're gonna have to put the RAOS Fat and Lazy Patrol (headed by Angry Steve) on your trail .......... all spring and summer activities must incorporate cardio and/or strength training ........... for example, fishing is fine .......... as long as you swim out to the middle, drop your line, and swim back ............. instead of "reeling in the big one", anchor your rig and swim out to do battle with the thing ......... whomp it good and wrestle it back to shore ................... skiing is fine as long as you're using a rowboat and you take at least one turn towing another skier ........... I'm sure Big Steve O has a Spring and Summer training manual with all this stuff in it, so be sure to check with him before planning your summer vacation ......... on another note, Psycho once said he'd set up a paintball war for us .......... I've never done it .......... but I think it's a good idea as long as there is some pain involved in getting hit!

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl harbor?"