I have been asked to post that we are having a car-wash to start off our fundraising for this year ........ it will be on Saturday the 21st of May ............. we will need to be there from about 9:30 to 3:00 ........... imperative that you all make your plans to come to work those few hours ........ of course, we'll have to find one or two of you with good legs to wear the short-shorts and hold the sign so all the high-school girls will want to come and have some buff guys wash their parents' car ........ maybe psycho and poofy ...... they actually like wearing those things ...... and the rest will wash cars and collect money .......... you need to confirm this with Tracey Bailes and Cathy Smith who are organizing the event ......... oh, that reminds me ....... Brandon, good game on the grand salami you hit against Sumner tonight! ........ good thing we had 45 mph sustained winds blowing out to left field!

To repeat ....... plan to work for the Tuner Wrestlers car wash on May 21st!!!!!!!!!

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl harbor?"