Guess who's back??? Back again??? lol well it's been awhile since I've been on here. Been busy playing ball and trying to figure out what i'm going to do with myself in the future... It's nice to see the creation of the R.A.O.S. thread is bringing the wrestling community together. When orginally created it was to keep us Steves together on the forums cluttered with talks of who is better than who and who is going to win what. We don't like to boast, brag, or stipulate about such things so to keep people from commenting i created this thread just for us. At the time i didn't know it would become what it has. As the creator of this thread, all comers are welcome. This Anti-Steve business is humorous to me, and i hope that the creator of that thread has created it in good nature of a laugh. I have been absent from this online message bored for many reasons some of them personal. But to my fellow steves i'd like to ask if it was ok to return at the carwash. I know that there are some hard feelings between some of the steves over certain events that i certainly wished would not have happened. But seeing this thread reminds me of what i have missed since March. Angry if you get on here i'll be calling you within a week and i'll probably be coming by for a visit. It's been awhile... in fact too long. Superior it was nice seeing you the other day, and maybe a visit is in order for you as well.

Broke A** Steve